
Cake Commercial Services specialises in corrosion control solutions, Protective Coatings & Blasting, Intumescent Coatings, and Passive Fire Protection Services typically for large-scale industrial organisations and government-funded agencies throughout New Zealand.

South Island Adventures

28th September called for a big day for the Cake Commercial Team based down South.

The day started with our new Auckland supervisor flying down to Christchurch to meet and pick up Cake’s new labourer.

Weather reports had been indicating a storm was brewing, but nothing prepared the Cake team for what they encountered on their travels across the mountain passes to get to Westport.

Thick snowfall had closed Lewis Pass, so with the snow chains attached, the team of five travelled through Arthur’s Pass with the weather chasing them the whole way into Westport.

It was a long and slow drive through the slush snowmelt but the scenery made up for it.